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Permanent Makeup and Microblading

1 – 3 hours depending upon technique request

You’ll be able to return to work immediately.

Yes, you will receive an anaesthetic for PMU treatments.

You will experience a full recovery immediately.

2 – 3 days estimated

Typically 1-2.

Results will be immediate, however, results may vary from person to person.

Typically 2 – 5 years, however, results may vary from person to person.

Potential risks include tingling, mild redness, swelling and slight numbness.

If you are under 18 years of age.

◦ If you are an insulin dependent diabetic.

◦ If you are a haemophiliac.

◦ During pregnancy or when nursing.

◦ If you are taking blood thinning medications.

◦ If you have active skin cancer in the area to be tattooed.

◦ If you have a transmittable blood condition such as HIV or Hepatitis.

◦ If you have any skin diseases, symptoms, irritation, inflammation, sunburn or frostbite in the area being tattooed.

◦ Straight after a chemical peel, Botox treatment or eyebrow waxing (Please allow 4 weeks for healing).

◦ If you have keloid scarring in the area, or have a tendency to keloid/unusually scar.

◦ If you’re undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy treatment (incl. 6 weeks pre/post treatment).

◦ ​If you are using Accutane, Isotretinoin, or other strong retinoids (Allow 1 year after treatment before cosmetic tattooing).

As many of you know when getting any semi permanent makeup or microblading both SOMETIMES require a second sitting after around 4-8 weeks. There are various reasons for this regardless of how much you like your eyebrows in the first sitting!

By having your second procedure the technician or myself will have the chance to correct any irregularities due to the superficial implantation of ink and to adjust colour tone if necessary. By doing this it helps complete the process. But please be aware not everyone needs a second siting and if you do not need one, please do not book the appointment as you may get turned away as too much implantation of ink can cause migration.

You must understand that everyone heals differently and whilst some can heal and there won’t be much colour that will need to be added or any shape manipulation there will be others that will need more. If your sister, friend or whoever has had the procedure done and they heal you can guarantee the next person will not heal the same way. This is just the way our bodies work as we all have different genetics that act and react differently to pigment and the process.

All Cosmetic Tattoo / Micropigmentation procedures carry some risk of infection because the skin is being broken. While all measures are taken to prevent any infection during the procedure is a very slight possibility you can get an infection if not cared for correctly after the procedure (for example if the client wears makeup or touches the healing work done). If this happens, then the baby could pick up a secondary infection.

During pregnancy, facial tissue can be stretched due to swelling and fluid retention. This means that makeup tattoos applied during pregnancy have the potential to change in shape once the baby has been born or no longer suit.

Facial skin may be more susceptible to pigment darkening (especially for those who get Melisma, commonly known as the “mask of pregnancy”) and so the trauma to the skin during the procedure may result in hyper-pigmentation in that area.

Most cosmetic tattooists will use some form of anaesthetic and numbing cream prior and during procedures. These will absorb into the skin and may enter the blood stream.

There is not enough known about the tattoo pigments on the growing baby to ensure safety. It’s always best to be cautious while being pregnant and or breastfeeding and just wait those extra few months. A good Cosmetic Tattoo Artist will want the best for you and your baby

And lastly, it is not an insurable procedure when pregnant.

PMU Eyebrow Treatments

The pigmentation will take a couple of weeks to fully settle in, so we ask clients to return to us around four to six weeks after treatment to have their tattooed eyebrows touched up. Once this is done, the results will last for around a year before any further touch up is required.

Semi-permanent eyebrows are a very low-risk treatment, as long as our aftercare instructions are followed. A full consultation will take place to ensure that you have no contra-indications and as long as the aftercare if followed correctly then there is very small chance of infection.

We never use stencils, because you deserve a true artist designing and creating beautiful brows that suit you!

PMU Lip Treatments

Lip tattoos take between 3 and 10 days to heal, depending on the size and depth of the treatment.

You need not take time off work following the procedure, as you’ll be pain free and healthy within hours.

The colour intensity first and then will fade up to 50% after the first treatment, which is why we recommend a top up 6 weeks later.

The treatment is not painful, with most of our clients reporting only minor discomfort.

Clients who have suffered from cold sores (Herpes virus – Herpes simplex) can experience symptoms of the infection after the treatment to the lips. Anti-herpes medication is available over the counter or on prescription and has been shown to prevent or minimize such outbreaks.

Also, lips after the procedure may appear very flaky/crusty for up to one week following the procedure.

Dermaplaning Treatment

The procedure takes around 40 minutes.

You’ll be able to return to work immediately.

No, you will not need an anaesthetic for dermaplaning.

There is no recovery time with dermaplaning.

The sensitivity period is between 1-7 days.

We recommend multiple treatments, spaced 3-4 weeks apart.

You’ll see results immediately.

You’ll need monthly maintenance for continued results.

There are some minor potential risks, such as: redness, minor swelling, mild tingling.

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